A natural mined diamond is actually a tiny piece of Earth’s vast 4.5 billion year history. Using the latest methods of carbon dating, scientists have determined that most diamonds are 1.5 to 3 billion years old – nearly as old as the Earth itself! Diamonds formed before dinosaurs roamed the world and are even older than some stars you may glimpse in the night sky. As you can see, a natural mined diamond is about as close to “forever” as anything you’ll ever encounter.

Geologists agree that most diamonds were formed 100 to 300 miles below the surface of the planet, under conditions of incredible heat and pressure. From their original birthplace, they were transported to the Earth’s surface through volcanic activity which took place millions of years ago.

Diamonds were first mined in ancient India 2,500 years ago, where they were discovered in rivers and streams. For thousands of years India was the sole source of the world’s diamonds, making the gems extraordinarily rare and sought after. Only the most elite in society, such as kings and queens, could afford the stones.

But in 1866, everything changed. Diamonds were discovered in South Africa and the modern diamond industry began. Companies like De Beers established themselves during this time and remain giants in the industry to this day.

Currently, the nations which produce the most diamonds are Australia, Canada, Russia and several African countries including Botswana, Zaire, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Angola, Namibia and Ghana.

At E.M. Smith Family Jewelers, we’re proud to sell our clients conflict-free stones. We only purchase diamonds through professional and vetted members of the diamond industry. These esteemed members support contracts which guarantee all of our diamonds are responsibly sourced, so you can purchase a stone from us without worry.